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Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest- Matthew 11:28, The Bible

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Emergency food for people in times of crisis 

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Washing facilities & practical help at the Social Justice Hub

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Household goods, kitchenwares, bedding & small electrical items    

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Community woodworking workshop courses, groups and activities


Cookery and budgeting courses

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Support & signposting with benefits, housing, debt & grant applications

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Groups and support for parents carers and children


Debt appointments available on site at the Foodbank and over the phone

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A relaxing place for adults to come and have a coffee and a chat

and to make some new friends!

Latest news
Support our Essentials Guarantee Campaign!


We are collaborating with North Bristol and South Gloucestershire Foodbank and South and East Bristol Foodbank on the Trussell Trust Essentials Guarantee campaign. We want Universal Credit to cover people’s essential needs. This would have a significant impact on hunger and food bank use. Click here for more information about the campaign and how you can help!


Our Space4Makers Woodworking Kids Summer Holiday Clubs
Now Open for Bookings
Foodbank Urgent Needs

We need tea, coffee & juice!


Visit our GIVE TODAY online food donation shop. Items purchased here will be delivered directly to us! Thank you :)


Ring 0117 9235343 or text 07821 466497 if you need more information.


Our Advice Workers are still available for appointments. See here

'My two children and I would have been homeless and wouldn't have survived without Foodbank and CAP. The Foodbank signposted me to CAP when I came in to get a food parcel. They have been amazing in keeping our accommodation and sorting out our arrears. They even went to court with me.' Anon

Welcome to the Bristol North West Foodbank

We have been open since 2011 and during that time we have helped more than 74 000 people in a crisis who have been referred to us.


We have five outlets that provide access to food support in Avonmouth, Severn Beach, Henbury, Hotwells & Lawrence Weston. In 2019 we moved into our Social Justice Hub in Avonmouth, with the vision of extending our support and providing a more holistic service. The Hub now houses our office and warehouse and our growing services including a Homebank, Free Advice Appointments, Cookery Courses, Support for the Homeless and our Woodworking Workshop to help tackle Social Isolation. You can be assured of a warm welcome and a listening ear when you visit or contact us.

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